To advocate means shining a light on the issues that affect the Greater Baytown Area & Chambers County and lending our voice to ensure opportunities for children and families to thrive. It is crucial to our success as a community. United Way engages in public policy advocacy because – as a nearly 100-year-old institution – we have the longstanding community connections and firsthand experience to help guide policy makers as they tackle the problems that our community.
United Way’s Policy Agenda
We work with United Way Worldwide and other United Ways across Texas to create a strong, unified voice on specific policy issues.
United Way’s of Texas and Worldwide advocates for causes including education, financial stability, and health.
Download the United Ways of Texas 2023 Public Policy Agenda here.
On March 1st 2023 representatives from all over Texas met in Austin for the United Way Day at the Capitol. United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County met with representatives from the offices of Texas House and Senate Representatives from our service area to advocate for policies pertaining to basic needs, education, financial stability, and health in Baytown and Chambers County.
During the visit, we got to be present for the proclamation of March 1, 2023 as Texas United Way Day at the Capitol, read by Texas State Senator Royce West.
Then we met with representatives from the offices of Texas State Senators Carol Alvarado, Brandon Creighton, and Mayes Middleton, as well as Texas House Representatives Terri Leo-Wilson and Biscoe Cain. During these meetings we discussed United Ways of Texas and UWGBACC policy priorities including:
- HB 2473 by Bucy relating to improvements to 211 Texas was heard in committee last week and will be voted out next week! See one pager.
- HB 1450 by Collier would make eviction filings confidential under certain circumstances
- HB 1287 by Guillen would modernize the Vehicle Asset Test used for eligibility for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits
- HB 4846 by Rep. Allen, would codify current TXDOT rules to require each metropolitan planning organization seeking state or federal funding for a new transportation project to submit evidence that they are considering the needs of individuals with disabilities and those that are participating in workforce training programs by Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
- Sign on to our priority transportation bill by Monday, April 10th
- Several education focused bills including SB 557 by West, relating to SNAP eligibility for certain postsecondary institutions, and $650m in funding for Community College reforms
You can find a full list of the United Ways of Texas policy priorities here: 2023 Public Policy Agenda
Interested in following up-to-the-minute legislative activity at the Capitol? Visit this link to stream the House proceedings and to stream the Senate proceedings click here.
United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County lives by the motto: Give, Advocate, Volunteer. It is important that we are aware of the actions of our legislative body because those decisions have the power to help us make the lives of people in Baytown and Chambers County better. We encourage you to advocate on behalf of those less fortunate and support our efforts in working towards structural changes that would benefit our community.
To learn more about what happened last legislative session and our advocacy wins:
How can YOU get involved?
It’s easier than you think. You can start by signing up for our action alerts. Calling, emailing, or even tweeting your representative can help us spread the word about the changes our community needs. We provide a nonpartisan platform for people to take meaningful action that makes a difference.
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