United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County works to ensure access to efficient and effective healthcare services and healthy choices.
Health goes beyond personal diet, exercise, and the many other individual choices we make. The foundation for a healthy life is in the neighborhoods we build and environments we inhabit. When people have access to parks, bike paths, safe playgrounds, healthy foods, and good medical care, they are more likely to succeed in school, work, and life.
United Way is creating solutions that help everyone thrive and creating healthier communities that improve our collective quality of life. We’re focused on expanding access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity and quality health care. To do this, we partner with local schools, governments, health agencies and other community-based nonprofits.
Funding Objective: Our community is able to access healthy choices and high quality mental healthcare.
Making An Impact:
Delivers counseling services for children and their families through school-based programs, foster care, post-adoption counseling, & parent education programs.
Client Story:
"A youth was referred for sadness stemming from his parents’ divorce and the tense family dynamics related to the divorce. At the start of services, the client presentation was often melancholic, shy, withdrawn. She presented with symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. The youth was indecisive, insecure, and was hyper focused on appeasing others. This client had difficulty identifying her own strengths and struggled with change. Clinician used cognitive behavioral techniques to identify cognitive distortions, process emotions, improve self-esteem to help the youth become comfortable with not only the family’s transition; but change in general. By the end of services, the client was able to: identify triggers for anxiety, reduce depressive symptoms, identify positives of having two households, self-regulate, and adapt to change without experiencing stress. The youth was also capable of identifying positive characteristics about herself and increase self-confidence. This client completed his SMART goals and was successfully discharged from SBC services."
- Depelchin Clinician
BATP offers a variety of services that benefit victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. These services include a 24 hour help line, shelter, food, child care, case management, and much more. Their mission and vision are to advocate to end domestic and sexual violence and find peace for every woman, every child, every man... every day.
The following is a client story from the organization:
"Carla" called the BATP 24-hour hotline service, stating she and her children needed assistance fleeing from her abusive situation. During our call, "Carla" informed me that she did not want her husband to know that she was seeking assistance; therefore, "Carla" and I created a communication system to ease her concerns about being found out. "Carla" and I worked on protective order processes, legal resources, counseling resources, and support group opportunities. "Carla" stated, "I am thankful to you for taking the time to give me information and helping me with a plan." A few weeks later, "Carla" called to update me on her status. I worked with "Carla" on a safety plan to be prepared to leave if her abuser became upset with being served divorce papers. Shelter was not an option for "Carla," so a plan was created that involved her going to a safe location where her abuser would not be able to locate her. Currently, this client lives in a safe place with her children and continues working on her future.
Bridgehaven Children's Advocacy Center
Bridgehaven CAC works to help minimize the trauma associated with child abuse investigations. Bridgehaven CAC is an organization that offers programs to help victims of child abuse and neglect. Their services range from facilitating forensic interviews and coordinating investigations, to prevention work and room makeovers for victims.
The following is a client story:
During this quarter, the family advocate worked with two clients and their mother to provide a room makeover. The purpose of this is to provide the clients with an updated safe place that will help in their healing process. With the funds dedicated to this project, the advocate purchased new furniture, a laptop, and decor among other stuff. The advocate and other staff members went to the clients' home to provide the makeover while the clients were in another room waiting anxiously to see the final result. Once everything was completed, they walked out and said they loved how everything had turned out. During a follow up in regards to this project, the mother stated, " they are loving it! They were so excited they videoed all their friends and showed it to all their friends in the apartments. It really meant a lot to them. I usually have to stay on them about keeping their room clean but since the makeover they have been doing great at keeping it clean. Thank y'all again!"
CASA of Liberty & Chambers County
Advocates for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the court system, through the training and support of community volunteers.