United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County works to stabilize and grow household incomes.
When people are able to find decent jobs, provide for their families, and save for the future, they and their children are more likely to enjoy healthy lives and succeed in school. Everyone benefits, because financially stable individuals and families lead to a more competitive workforce and a stronger community. United Way's volunteer experts, working with partners from all sectors of society, connect people to the resources they need to get on more solid financial ground. From financial wellness classes in the workplace and in community centers to career training and job-search assistance, credit counseling and free tax preparation assistance, we’re helping people to earn more and save more.
Funding Objective: Households in our community will improve their financial literacy, independence, and employability, with an emphasis on single parents.
Making An Impact:
Assists homeless persons with temporary emergency shelter & transitional housing services. Also provides employment assistance and financial education services.
Client Story:
Mr. G.A. was accepted into the shelter on May 13, 2022. He had been living in his own apartment when he fell on hard times after having lost his job and car. Mr. A. started applying for work the day he entered the shelter. The case management team was able to help him with employment education and revamping his resume. Mr. A was hired on at a local packaging company earning $15.00 an hour working 50 hours a week. A quote from Mr. G, "I am glad to have been able to find a place in my community that was able to help me in my time of need!"
Habitat for Humanity works to bring people together to build homes, communities, hope, and provide affordable, decent housing for low income families.
Client Story:
Whitney Williams signed her letter of acceptance to become our new Family Building Partner and provide a home for herself and two daughters. She is another example of the success we are seeing from our homeowner orientation and financial literacy support. Whitney went though the orientation in 2020, after her application was declined she met with the Homeowner Selection Committee to have a better understanding of how she could become eligible. Over the following months Whitney stayed in contact with us asking questions and reporting the changes she was putting in place to strengthen her financial picture. Changing jobs and trading down to a less expensive vehicle while paying down small credit issues put Whitney in a much better position financially and she reapplied for a Habitat home in March 2022. Whitney is a wonderful example of creating a goal and working toward it with perseverance and dedication. The impact this quarter is the Williams family of 3 and volunteers that worked with her through the Homeowner Selection Committee and Board of Directors count of 16 for a total of 19.
Assists with multiple basic needs services such as food, clothing, medical, gasoline, and documentation such as birth certificates & IDs through community agencies’ referrals. Also, some work-related assistance provided after job verification. Rent, Utility, and Health Services/Access assistance.
Offers a range of essential healthcare services to communities including primary care for all residents regardless of their ability to pay. CGHC plans to expand its services to include pharmacy, integrated behavioral health and substance use disorder services, support services, specialty care, and oral health services. dedicated to providing essential healthcare services to communities including Winnie, Stowell, Hamshire, Fannett, Nome, Bolivar Peninsula, and surrounding areas.